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2021! The lessons we have learnt so far

2021! The lessons we have learnt so far

2020 threw innumerable challenges into our paths and we are sure that we aren’t the only ones who are hoping for a brighter 2021!

With the start of a new year and having experienced the hurdles we have faced last year, many of us are reevaluating how we want to live our lives going forward in order to experience all of life’s richness in as mindful and positive a way as possible.

Rather than make resolutions,  this year we thought we’d reflect on some of the most inspiring lessons learnt from our very own Indoi Women we have interviewed this far. The hope is that some of their words will prove to be nuggets of wisdom which you will be able to have by your side as we move cautiously into 2021.

From success and self-belief to doing what scares you the most, here are the musings that have galvanised us most.


  1. Potential


Our potential is infinite, but life often poses various obstacles which would make us believe otherwise. That said, Zinnia Kumar has some sage advice regarding fulfilling such potential:

‘I don’t believe I have ever realised [being a scientist and activist] was my destiny. My goals and interests are ever changing and I tend to follow whatever piques my interest. Today I may be a scientist & activist, tomorrow I might be a filmmaker or politician. Who knows. I think pigeonholing ourselves limits what we think we can become’.


  1. The Discomfort Zone

Living life adventurously can have incredible ramifications, as we have heard time and time again. Despite all the preaching, it is by no means an easy thing to practice; indeed, its very nature - fear-inducing - so very often puts us off doing these kinds of things.

However, leaving our comfort zone and venturing into our discomfort zone is something which Dede Wegg-Prosser, a musician and mother, has found to have huge emotional benefits. Dede cited ‘doing things that scare/challenge’ her as the thing which empowers her the most. ‘[For example,] performing on stage - I’m a total introvert so I really pushed myself to make this my living for so many years’.


  1. Appreciate every moment and yourself

Getting caught up in the particulars of life often means that the most awe-inspiring things pass us by. For Rachel Landon - a herbalist, naturopathic iridologist and mother - learning ‘that life is short’ has allowed her to ‘try and appreciate every moment - even the most mundane’. This mindful approach to perspective is also reflected in her sentiments regarding what others think: she now knows ‘to listen to [her]self and trust that it's the best thing rather than believing others’ opinions’.


  1. Every cloud has a silver lining - yes, really

The experiencing of pain, loss and struggle is, without a doubt, one of life’s biggest challenges. However, it is exactly these experiences that enable us to grow and blossom - just like stepping out of our comfort zone. Sophie Hawkins, the most recent Indoi Woman to be interviewed, knows this too well. She commented on how, among other things, she has ‘learnt that we can transform through great loss; my older brother died suddenly and unexpectedly, yet I am still here living’.


  1. Mistakes are our best friend

It is essentially ingrained into us to be fearful and run away from getting things wrong. In reality, though, how do we learn and grow without messing up? Claudia Urvois has lived all over the world and is a highly successful interior designer who preaches the benefits of things not going slightly to plan - she even cites these moments as empowering. She has learnt to appreciate the process of ‘learning from [her] mistakes and knowing that with age comes a bit of wisdom’. She explains how, in doing so, she gains ‘a sense of confidence and certainty’.


We hope that these words have given you food for thought and some comfort for this new year 2021!

1 comment


Love this! Conscious Capitalism. As we look forward to the new year, reflecting on the past year is important to leveling up this year! Gorgeous fashion with a heart. Thank you INDOI!!

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